Videos De Juegos Mattel Intellivision Con Trucos Y Soluciones Para Jugar En Psp, Xbox, Gameboy, Playstation, Wii Y Nintendo

Tutoriales De Juegos Mattel Intellivision Con Revisiones Y Comentarios Para Aprender A Jugar, Reparar, Arreglar Y Solucionar Problemas

Tron Deadly Disc Intellivision 1 Million Points
so. this game was the very first i played in intelivision. i remember doing 5 milion of points, and the batle was long and hard, but also remember very wel, just before to reach the 5 milion points the system gone dark, the scren went dark, that was the only and first time my intelivision hang up for some reason. so, enjoy, as you se, when you reach the milion of points, it apears the orange dudes..

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