Videos De Juegos Atari 800 Xl Con Trucos Y Soluciones Para Jugar En Psp, Xbox, Gameboy, Playstation, Wii Y Nintendo

Tutoriales De Juegos Atari 800 Xl Con Revisiones Y Comentarios Para Aprender A Jugar, Reparar, Arreglar Y Solucionar Problemas

Karateka Atari 800 Xl Full Game 80 s Nostalgia
many people consider this game the first beatem up ever. this game was a whole revolution that marked a before and after 2d beatem ups like apeared then as kung fu master by the way i would like to have a god version for atari and vigilant to. nit was developed by the company broderbund software and programed by a tenager back then caled jordan mechner when he was a tenager. awesome ! first vers..

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